Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dental Darlings

Today we visited the Dr. Tim for our routine, six-month checkup and walked out with a clean bill of dental health.  Neither Faith nor Jaxon have ever had a cavity, but as a parent you wonder...will this be the time? 

Faith hasn't lost any teeth just yet but the bottom two have a little bit of wiggle action.  Her six-year molars should be making their appearance soon, and everything else is looking great.

Jaxon is doing great, as well, he's always had a discoloration (hardened enamel) on his back, right molar...it honestly looks like a cavity, but every six-months we get it checked and it's as hard as ever...strange little thing.

I am hoping and praying that they'll continue to have the Butler side of genes as far as their teeth go, poor Shawn got cavities as a kid like it was nobody's business.  I didn't get my first cavity until my I was twenty-six (pregnant with Faith), which is probably why I got the cavity in the first place.  Sweet babies just take all the calcium from where ever they can get it, nevermind the fact that I drank two or three gallons of milk per week when I was preggo with both kiddos.

YAY, for no cavities, now here's to a sugar-free lollipop, toothpaste, a new toothbrush, floss, and a prize.  Faith chose a ten-color pen, and Jaxon chose a peanut-can prankster toy!  He was so excited to prank his daddy when he got home!