Saturday, September 29, 2012

First Tooth Fairy Visit

Last year, Faith was the only kindergartner in her class that didn't loose a tooth...this year, she's been the only first grader in her class to not loose a tooth yet, until, TODAY!  She's been patiently waiting for her tooth to fall was hanging on by just a small patch of her gums, and she just pulled it out.

All day long this girl was so excited that the tooth fairy would be visiting her house for the very first time...she was excited about going to bed!!  She had a lot of questions, how big is the tooth fairy, how will she get into my room, will she want to look in my mouth at other teeth, etc.  So inquisitive, this one!  We read three tooth books, and she was ready for bed.

The next morning...EARLY morning, Shawn and I were awakened from our sweet slumber with an excited little girl ready to show us what the tooth fairy left her. She received a typed-letter from the tooth fairy, and a certificate that was hand-written.  Her handwriting is super small since she, herself, is pretty tiny.  As for money, Faith received one, shiny, gold Sacajawea coin...I explained to Faith that the tooth fairy must have known that she was a princess because Sacajawea was an Indian princess.  Yes, we had a mini history lesson, incorporating Lewis and Clark in the lesson, as well.

We already have a few more loose, so I'm thinking we'll have a lot more visits here pretty soon!