Friday, December 14, 2012

Heart-Broken for Newtown (Sandy Hook Elementary)

Words can't express adequately enough the emotions that I feel for the Newtown families, school-district, and community.  We live in an evil and fallen world...a world that needs Jesus more than ever.  I read things like, "Where was God," when all this happened...he was on his throne and continues to be...he created us with freewill, not to operate as robots.  True worship and faith would never exist if we didn't have free will.  Questions and wondering of WHY flow through minds, but all we can do is trust in Jesus and know that He has a purpose and plan.  Does it make us feel better instantly, no, our flesh wants to hold on to our precious ones.  My prayer is that people who are lost will find the true source of hope through all of this...that is, the Hope in Jesus Christ.  For believers, that we would pray, weep, and help out in anyway we can.

For our family, I know this has caused us to hug our babies tighter, watch them sleep at night more often, give extra hugs and kisses, and to appreciate every minute of the time we have together.  We never know when it will be our last moment with them.  Shawn and I are both teachers, as many of you know, and our students need the assurance that they are safe in our schools...I feel like our students feel safe.

We continue to lift this town up in prayer.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  
Matthew 19:14