Sunday, January 29, 2012

He Prepares the Way

During the last week of Christmas break, Shawn and I found ourselves engaging in some deep conversation with Faith and Jaxon.  Randomly, they wanted to know everything their little brains could understand about heaven and hell.  We wanted to keep everything short and simple, but also kid-friendly.  But, each time we'd answer a question or two, it welcomed more and more questions from their sweet mouths.  The more questions posed, the deeper our conversation became with our four and five year old.  Each night I found myself praying for wisdom and discernment, because  I was only prepared to answer the surface-level questions...not the deep ones, I mean, they're so young.  Why did God create people who he knew wouldn't believe in Him?  Why did he create that mean Satan character?   The list goes on and on.

Upon arriving back to school from the break, I was called into the ESL teacher's classroom along with one of our school counselors.  She informed me that a little boy in Faith's homeroom class died over the break in a horrible, head-on collision with an eighteen wheeler.  My heart SANK!  I felt awful for the family. I felt guilty that I was getting to see Faith after school, and all that mother probably wished for was to see her son once more.  My counselor encouraged me to talk to Faith that evening because her school counselor was going to talk to the entire class that next morning.  I got a phone call from Faith's teacher telling me the news, as well.  I immediately told Shawn the news as soon as we got home and we talked about what our talk with Faith would look like that evening.  I couldn't help but feel so thankful that our kids were asking all these heaven and hell questions just a few days earlier, because as a result of our conversations, Faith did a great job handling the news.  We made it very clear that she wouldn't see her classmate anymore at school, but there would be a day that she'd see him in heaven again. We asked her not to talk to any of her friends that next morning about what we told her, because we wanted to be sensitive to the kids whose parents might not have told them the news yet.  My heart still breaks for the family and we'll continue to lift them up in prayer during this difficult season in their lives.

I know God used the conversation we had with our kids over the break to help prepare both us and Faith for the news that was to come, and I'm so grateful for that.  I also believe that tidbits of the conversations we had will come up again with Faith and Jaxon when they are ready to accept Jesus as their personal Savior one day.  I'm thankful for a God that knows our future!

I'll fly away, oh glory
I'll fly away.
When I die Hallelujah by and by-
I'll fly away.

Coaches Outreach Banquet

Tonight we were invited to the Coaches Outreach Banquet, and invited our good friends, Kevin and Laurie.  Each year that we attend the banquet, we always hear the most inspiring coaching stories, and we are forever grateful to Coach Davy DuBose for telling us about CO eight years ago.  Not only has CO partnered with our family through prayer and support, but the marriage conferences we attend every summer are such a blessing to our marriage.  Tonight, the coaches were reminded that it's not about the wins and losses, but about the eternal impact that the coaches make on the kids...there's so much truth in that, but sometimes it's hard because we look at the worldly perspective and expectation, rather than the spiritual side of it all.  We listened to Mr. McGee, father of Stephen McGee (backup QB for the Dallas Cowboys) speak on several topics and he did an amazing job.   I'm so thankful God called Shawn into the coaching profession and I know that he continues to make a huge impact, and is a great influence on these young boys today.

Sweetness on a Sunday Morning

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Once Upon a Time

One of Faith's most favorite gifts she received for her birthday was this book.  It wasn't a book that had words or pictures in it, because it was up to her to illustrate and write the book.   It came with stickers, jewels, and markers to help her along the way.  She spent the better part of the morning working her way to being a new author.  I didn't post every page of her book here, but I'm glad we have it on our bookshelf to read whenever we's quite an enchanting story.

 Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. -Albert Einstein

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Revving up for Reading

I saw this cute idea on Pinterest for boys to get them excited about learning sight words...I quickly repined this idea for Jaxon.  Tonight, our Pinterest idea came to fruition, and we had so much fun!

Each sight word is a parking spot in Jaxon's parking lot.  I called out the word and he'd have to choose a car, and park it on the correct sight word.

Jaxon did such a great job recognizing his sight words...he didn't miss a BEEP! 

We replayed our new little game over and over and then,  he decided he was done and ready for some REAL fun...

I love my boy!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

They've Got Mail

A couple of weeks ago, I posted HERE about the kids writing to their favorite Disney characters, and while the actual character of their choice didn't write them back personally; we got a a letter from several Disney characters.  The kids were really excited to see the letter address to their names, and I think this will make their first, Disney experience even more magical when we depart for Florida in June.  We're anticipating magical moments and priceless memories.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Backseat Conversations

Faith: What question are you gonna ask God when you see him in heaven one day, Jax? 
Jaxon: How do you make the earth listen to you?
Faith: I'm gonna ask him how many hairs are on my head. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Look Who's Reading

Our little Jaxon has taken a huge leap into reading.  His preschool teacher started sending books home with him, and we've started working with him here at the house with the same readers that taught Faith how to read.  He loves it, he can't get enough of reading, and wants to read and reread several books in one night.  This reading teacher loves it!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jewelry-Makin' Jaxon

When I got home from the grocery store this evening, my handsome gentleman gave me this priceless piece of jewelry.  A beautiful, cross necklace!  He wanted to make sure it fit perfectly around my neck, and it did. Oh Jaxon, I pray that you stay so perfectly sweet the rest of your life.  Mommy loves you!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kettlebell Challenge

Well, today's the big day... BEFORE pictures and BEFORE measurements.  I'm really excited about taking on this challenge, I'm looking forward to toning up some problem areas I've had for a while, but also for the accountability this group will offer.  We have a private Facebook page set up where only group members can see pictures/measurements.  I am thankful for Jennifer Gillaspie for telling Becca and I about the challenge and can't wait to take this eight-week journey with them.   Wish me goes SOMETHING!

Pantry Make-Over

A blog and Pinterest that I stalk every now and then is Missy, better known as the How Does She lady.  She inspired me to give my pantry a little love, and that's just what I did today.  She gave five helpful tips to shape up anyone's pantry, and I used three out of those five to perform the makeover.    I hate that I forgot to take before pictures, so just use your imagination. :)

The first tip that I utilized was shelf liner/contact paper.  Not only is it cute and pretty, but it wipes down more easy for those messes that could occur.  I used two patterns because I liked them both.
The second tip that I utilized was to use containers for my flour, sugar, etc.  Seriously, if I would have taken a before picture, you would have seen my stuff in the original bag it came in.  Now, it's easier to measure and it doesn't make a powdery/grainy mess when I pour.  

Last but not least, I made a snack basket and put it on the lowest shelf, so the kids could get a snack at the appropriate times.  Why did I ever think that Shawn or myself needed to get up and get a snack every time.  DUH!  Oh the little things make life so much easier.

Some of our favorites include:  almonds, fiber one bars, organic fruit strips, and peanuts.

Click here if you would like to see all her tips.  Happy Organization!

Rapunzel Family Party

I could go running and racing and dancing and chasing and leaping and bounding, hair flying, heart pounding and splashing and reeling and finally feeling now's when my life begins.  -Tangled, 2010

Faith's been looking forward to her family party this year...she's requested Rapunzel for quite sometime now.  You can catch her quoting the movie and singing its songs from time to time...and, she's growing out her hair so it can be as long as Rapunzel's hair. 

This morning, we released six balloons to symbolize the releasing of the lanterns in the movie.

This was supposed to be our silly picture, but someone wasn't quite silly enough.

Marilyn and Kacee
I think he was wishing it was his birthday instead.

We thought this was a pull-string pinata, but to our chagrin; it was just the opposite...time to break out the bat.

None of the kids present in my family could break the pinata, so Aunt Maria gave us A LOT of help.
After everyone left, our sweet girl got started on her first picture on a real easel and canvas...she smiled with every stoke of the paintbrush.  The End.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Faith's Birth-DAY

Our sweet girl turned six years old today.  When I tucked her in bed last night and looked at her as a five-year old for the last time; I started to get weepy.

Faith's Birthday Questionnaire-Twenty Questions

What makes you happy:  That Jesus loves me
What is your favorite animal:  Lambs, because they are cute.
What is your favorite food?  Macaroni and Cheese
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Pancakes
What is your least favorite food? Oranges, grapefruit, and carrots
What are you really good at?  I'm good at doing cartwheels and drawing
What is your favorite color?  Pink
What is your favorite toy?  All my princesses
What is your favorite sport?  Football
What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Ride my bike and scooter
What is your favorite outfit to wear?  Any of my dresses...I love them all.
What is your favorite holiday:  Christmas
What is your favorite class in school?  Art
What is your favorite snack?  Edomame
What is your favorite place to go?  Six Flags
Who is your best friend?  Rose
What is your favorite book to read?  Any of my princess books
What is your favorite song?  Our God by Chris Tomlin
What are you looking forward to this year?  A visit from the tooth fairy
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Dentist

Dear Faith,
It seems like yesterday we were holding you in our arms, and now your arms and feet wrap around us each time we hold you.  You genuinely care about others and want to be helpful in any way imaginable.  You love all things princess and all things that foster your artistic ability.  We go through many coloring books at our house as you love to color.  You've thrived in Kindergarten so far bringing home report cards that make mommy and daddy smile.  You love to read and write in both English and are our little sponge that soaks in everything, and can't wait to go to school the next day to learn more.   We thank God everyday for blessing us with you and we'll never forget the day of your birth:  The day our hearts grew bigger.  

Our day started off with traditional balloons and streamers adorning her door and room, and then it was time to get ready for school.  We ate yummy donuts in the car for breakfast.

Kindergarten has the very first lunch...10:30!  Faith requested Chick-Fil-A and she loved having me there to eat with her.  She was so proud to show me where she sits everyday and introduced me to the friends that sat around us.  
I ran some errands around town and headed home.  Aunt Gina and Marilyn were on their way to join us for the 2:50 showing and opening day of Beauty and the Beast in 3-D!  We picked up Faith and she was very excited about her surprise visitors and surprise movie!
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The girls loved the moving and especially loved seeing it in 3-D.  I got word that Shawn and Jaxon got stuck at the house waiting on a delivery, so my sister and I took our girls to Shogun for a birthday, celebration dinner.  

That evening we connected with Shawn and Jaxon.  We played on the Wii and played a little Ping-Pong.  It was a great birthday!!

Wedding Dress Tradition

Faith-6 years old

Monday, January 9, 2012

MHS Football Banquet

This evening we our 4th annual football banquet.  It's crazy to think we've been in MISD for four years seems like yesterday we were packing our bags and leaving Rockwall.  Shawn works with an amazing staff with Godly men and it's nice to know he has others to walk with in this journey of faith with its ups and downs of football.  This year, Shawn coached the freshman group...many of his players were kids that I taught for three years at FMS, so it was neat to visit with them for a bit.  This year, the freshman team got 2nd place in district, right behind Rockwall, so we have some talented boys coming  up for future, lion football.   I love how Coach Smith and his wife, Kelli, honor the wives and children at the banquet each year, as well.  It's hard to understand if you're not in the coaching world, but we are a coaching family and we're in this together.  The wives take control over the household during the season because the guys are so busy during the season.  The highlight video was over two hours, but they didn't show the entire footage for time purposes, but Shawn and I watched it the following day.  It was fabulous, and I especially loved how they interview each of the coaches.  Shawn got to talk about his favorite Bible verse and even said some nice things about me on sweet!  Can't wait for next season...GO LIONS!