Friday, January 13, 2012

Faith's Birth-DAY

Our sweet girl turned six years old today.  When I tucked her in bed last night and looked at her as a five-year old for the last time; I started to get weepy.

Faith's Birthday Questionnaire-Twenty Questions

What makes you happy:  That Jesus loves me
What is your favorite animal:  Lambs, because they are cute.
What is your favorite food?  Macaroni and Cheese
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Pancakes
What is your least favorite food? Oranges, grapefruit, and carrots
What are you really good at?  I'm good at doing cartwheels and drawing
What is your favorite color?  Pink
What is your favorite toy?  All my princesses
What is your favorite sport?  Football
What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Ride my bike and scooter
What is your favorite outfit to wear?  Any of my dresses...I love them all.
What is your favorite holiday:  Christmas
What is your favorite class in school?  Art
What is your favorite snack?  Edomame
What is your favorite place to go?  Six Flags
Who is your best friend?  Rose
What is your favorite book to read?  Any of my princess books
What is your favorite song?  Our God by Chris Tomlin
What are you looking forward to this year?  A visit from the tooth fairy
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Dentist

Dear Faith,
It seems like yesterday we were holding you in our arms, and now your arms and feet wrap around us each time we hold you.  You genuinely care about others and want to be helpful in any way imaginable.  You love all things princess and all things that foster your artistic ability.  We go through many coloring books at our house as you love to color.  You've thrived in Kindergarten so far bringing home report cards that make mommy and daddy smile.  You love to read and write in both English and are our little sponge that soaks in everything, and can't wait to go to school the next day to learn more.   We thank God everyday for blessing us with you and we'll never forget the day of your birth:  The day our hearts grew bigger.  

Our day started off with traditional balloons and streamers adorning her door and room, and then it was time to get ready for school.  We ate yummy donuts in the car for breakfast.

Kindergarten has the very first lunch...10:30!  Faith requested Chick-Fil-A and she loved having me there to eat with her.  She was so proud to show me where she sits everyday and introduced me to the friends that sat around us.  
I ran some errands around town and headed home.  Aunt Gina and Marilyn were on their way to join us for the 2:50 showing and opening day of Beauty and the Beast in 3-D!  We picked up Faith and she was very excited about her surprise visitors and surprise movie!
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The girls loved the moving and especially loved seeing it in 3-D.  I got word that Shawn and Jaxon got stuck at the house waiting on a delivery, so my sister and I took our girls to Shogun for a birthday, celebration dinner.  

That evening we connected with Shawn and Jaxon.  We played on the Wii and played a little Ping-Pong.  It was a great birthday!!