Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes...

For almost two years now our family has been eating all organic fruits and vegetables.

For  a year now, we started only buying meats that were hormone, antibiotic, and cage-free.  The animals are grass-fed, as well.

I  recently pinned and started researching this website and quickly became intrigued and interested.  She has a family of four, including herself and they have completely rid themselves of processed foods.  Now, I believe that everything is good in moderation, so once in a while; I think it's okay to have something out of a box or a jar, but I loved how informative and detailed she is on this website.  I also love how she has meal plans and recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.  So, since I've been off this past week, I've started experimenting in the kitchen after the kids have gone to bed, or when they go down for a nap (well, Jaxon naps, Faith reads quietly in her room).

I made my own granola--we've been putting this in our Greek yogurt, as well as our cereal.

This picture was taken off the website hyperlinked above, but this is what our cereal basically looked like, and I  also made the blueberry muffins with REAL Whole-Wheat Flour (like she suggests) more of the fake, unbleached, enriched flour.  Goodbye, Martha White muffins, well, maybe I just won't eat you as often. :)

Last but not least, I started buying a brand new kind of bread.  A lot of breads in the grocery store boast that they're 100% whole wheat, but if the ingredients read enriched and's not real wheat.  She goes into detail on her website.  She buys her bread from Great Harvest Bread Co.  I did a little research and found that there is one near me in Plano. I was excited to say the least! Their bread has FIVE ingredients, and it so filling because it's REAL!  I also bought Shawn some of their cinnamon bread since that's what he eats for breakfast. 

Yes, our grocery bill is a little bit more expensive, but I figure we're either gonna pay now, or pay for the hospital bills later.  So, here's to another step we're taking...cheers to our health!