Saturday, April 28, 2012

Stuffed Animal Send-off

This was a project long over due!  We had an over abundance of stuffed-animals.   Faith and Jaxon have their favorite they sleep with every night, but the other ones are left neglected, untouched, and unplayed with in various places around their rooms.  I got tired of seeing them in a corner by their beds, under the beds, or in some random place in the closet.  So, this morning, I gathered every stuffed-animal I could get my hands on and gathered them up in Faith's room.  I told the kids they could pick three to keep and that we were saying goodbye to the rest.   I told them they would go to homes of kids that were unfortunate and didn't have any to play with.  Each kid immediately selected their animals of choice, we bagged up the rest, and delivered them to Salvation Army.  We talk to the kids quite often about how blessed they are to have a roof over their head, food, clean water, clothes, toys, STUFFED-ANIMALS, etc.  They didn't whine or complain...they were both more than happy to give their friends away.  Faith kissed all of the ones that didn't make the cut, and Jaxon just gave a loud, "GOODBYE!"  
The cast

These made the cut.

Send-off to Salvation Army