Saturday, June 23, 2012

Magic Kingdom-Day One

Magic Kingdom was our favorite theme was home to three of our favorite, family rides (Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, and  Big Thunder Mountain Railroad).  And, let me just tell you something that I learned about my kiddos...they will ride ANYTHING. Up until Disney, I had only seen my children ride on kiddie rides at the fair or in Looney Toon Land at Six Flags. Disney was a different story, they rode all the big and scary rides...Faith shed some tears during Space Mountain, but once it was said and done; she was ready to ride it again and again!  Jaxon was Mr. Tough Guy...before we'd go on the ride, he'd say, "Don't save me mom, don't hold my hand!"   We did nearly everything in the park and we had some big time fun!  Faith and I waited in line to get pictures and autographs with Merida and Rapunzel...Faith HAD to show Rapunzel how long her hair was!!  Our night was concluded by the Main St. Parade and fireworks at Cinderella's Castle. We didn't let Tropical Storm Debby get in our way...I was so thankful for the storms because it brought cool and breezy weather and we never had to fight the heat!  What a magical day for all!!

We took the ferry over to MK and I'm so glad that we did...the sights of Cinderella's Castle made it worth the wait!

I knew that I wanted to get to at least one park before it officially opened...I read that they do a small show for the early birds.  We were welcomed with Mickey and all his friends dancing and singing to us!

It's a Small World

Merida and Faith

Magic Carpet Ride

Tom Sawyer's Island

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Uncle Ken bought the kids souveniers.

Waiting to meet Rapunzel

Rapunzel told Faith to have long hair you must brush, brush, brush!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. 
 -Walt Disney