Monday, June 11, 2012

Sky VBS Week

No matter what people say...TRUST GOD!  
Nothing is impossible with God. Mark 10:27

WOW, what a wonderful and blessed week this was!  While conversating with my friend, Jen, I was telling her how we were so sad to have to miss our VBS at FBC-McKinney due to the Disney trip.  Jen quickly invited Faith to be in her crew group of Hello Yellows, and got me plugged in to join up on the Evangelism team, as well as helping her and Sydney out this week.  Jaxon was in the Orange group and they did a mini-VBS of their own with the Pre-K group.  

Here was a typical day in the life of travelling around with our sweet, Hello Yellow group:

First, we all gathered in the auditorium to fill our yellow buckets to raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves.  Faith brought money every single day...she was determined for the yellow group to win...and, when all was said and done; they did!  The girls loved to sing and do the dance motions while waiting for everyone to arrive.  We bought the CD to listen to all week during our drive to's definitely a favorite these days among Faith and Jaxon.

After dismissal from the auditorium each day, we were scheduled to see some drama that relived the life of Jesus.  These teenage kids did a great job.  Faith's favorite day was when the Critter guy came in with a huge, yellow python...she got to touch the reptile and we definitely overcame some fears that day.

Shortly after, we headed upstairs for Chadders...this little chipmunk was the talk amongst all the kids, each day Faith and Jaxon would have conversations about the Chadder DVD and his adventures of the day. On most days, you could easily spot Faith because she was always glued to Miss Sydney.  Faith also enjoyed the God Sightings that they talked about each day, and she absolutely loved Genelia's accent.  At one point in the week she said, "Mom, Genelia says the word God differently than we do."  This was also a special time, because on Thursday, all the kids got to hear the gospel message through an experimental illustration Miss Genelia really stuck!

After Chadders, we went back downstairs for Imagination Station...each day they did various experiments to show that God can do amazingly big things!  The neat thing is that the kids got to take home supplies to perform the experiment on their own.  Faith loved the bagged balloon experiment the best, as well as the mysterious ball that floated in the air.

Game time was another favorite...each day they went through two stations and on the last day, they got to roam with their buddy (Faith and Audrey were paired together), and go on any bounce house they chose.  Lots of fun!

The last rotation of the day...SNACK TIME!  This wasn't your ordinary snack time...each snack the girls devoured had symbolic meaning of what they learned throughout the was strategically planned out and proved to be a great idea!
We headed to the auditorium just to recap the day and to hear a word from Pastor Trent and the girls were then all released and did it all over again the very next day.

On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday of this wonderful week, I worked with the Evangelism Team.  I spent the weekend prior to this week just praying for the Lord to give me the right words to say to these children I would be counseling in making the single, most important decision of their lives.  I have no pictures, but I do have memories of conversations, faces, and names.  On Tuesday, we talked to fifth grade students who were ready to make the next step in their life.  I will forever remember the first little girl I got to counsel...I will always remember sweet Mallory.  Ava is another little girl that I'll always remember...I've never seen a little girl her age so on fire for the Lord and His Will in her life.  Thursday and half of Friday were spent making phone calls to parents to counsel them in how to help their child make the next step in their lives.  Some parents were elated, others were unchurched and didn't understand the importance of this decision, but it's all up to the Holy Spirit to move in their lives now. God definitely poured out his favor!
Jen taught this brother/sister combo (Brandt and Sydney), and I taught Brandt...we had a small, Hartman reunion.

Thank you for a great week, Jen and Sydney!
We will fly, we will soar, nothing is impossible, we will fly, we will soar, trusting God and leaving our fears behind...we will fly!