Sunday, December 11, 2011

Brunch with "Santa"

I've always heard that The Black-eyed Pea serves up a wonderful brunch, so when I heard they were doing, Brunch with Santa; I knew this would be my chance to try it out. And, the kids could get their picture with Santa...nailing two birds with one stone is ALWAYS a good thing, right? WRONG! We walk in and saw Santa, but, he didn't really look like the traditional Santa that we've seen before in person or in books. In fact, the first thing Faith said to us was, "That doesn't look like Santa!" Shawn quickly interjected, "That's one of Santa's helpers because he can't be in several places at one time." She seemed to buy that reasoning, they took their picture with Santa, got a coupon for a free kid's meal, and received a candy cane. Breakfast, on the other hand, was delicious, I mean...GOOD!! So, lesson learned, we know where to eat a good brunch, and we know to go elsewhere for Santa. The End.