Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to Rose

From day one of Faith starting kindergarten, we've always heard the name Rose.  Rose and I did this, Rose said that, Rose and I played such and such at recess.  We even knew that Rose's birthday was in December because she made it a point to tell Faith that she'd be invited to her birthday party.  Since then, we've heard Faith mention Rose's birthday party.  Today we met Rose and her family, along with some other friends at the movie theater in McKinney to watch, Arthur Christmas.  Shawn, Jaxon, and I sat right behind Faith and Rose.  We, too, loved the movie, it was very cute and colorful...and, very fitting for the season!  After the movie was over, we headed over to Culvers (right next to the theater), for some ice cream and present-opening.  Faith made her very first Wuggle pet and named her Faithy!  She had such a wonderful time, and it was nice to finally meet Rose's family and Rose...the little girl who has become one of Faith's good friends!