Sunday, July 15, 2012

Coaches Outreach Marriage Conference

We had yet another, wonderful marriage conference at Lake DeGray this year. This was our eighth year to go to a CO conference. It's amazing how refreshed we feel as a couple, and we always take something new home with us.  This year, Shawn and I moved up in the ranks...just kidding, there are no ranks...but we were small group leaders this year.  We had a precious group who were sweet, transparent, and fun to be around.  The Wares came back this year, after having Baby Jericho last year, so it was fun to travel with them and hang out a little bit in Arkansas.  Andy Wileman was our speaker this weekend, and did such a great job teaching us how and when to recognize Satan telling us lies about our partner.  The Bible tells us that he is out to destroy, and that includes the destruction of our marriages.  Ladies (because I know that's who mainly reads this blog), bathe your husbands in prayer, not just once a month, not just once a week, EVERYDAY.  I've seen both ends of the spectrum and I like the results of the one that gets me on my knees for Shawn much better.   I use a prayer sheet that I got off of Pinterest that I pinned on My Beloved board, if you want to use the same.  My Pinterest follower button is at the top right of the blog page.  Also, after hearing a testimony this weekend, I will stress the importance of loving your husband and being kind to him, because in a blink of an eye; he could be gone from your arms. I am excited to see what this next year holds for our marriage and pray that we continue to grow in the Lord daily.