Monday, July 23, 2012

Object Lesson

I did this little science experiment/lesson with the kiddos the other day, and not only did they think it was the coolest thing ever, but, visually; they grasped the need for us to flee from sin and draw closer to God.

Here's what you need (and you probably have it all at your house):
One Plate
Glass/Transparent Cup
Small Candle
Food Coloring (to spice it up a notch or two)

I started out telling the kids that the penny represented our sin, the lit candle represented God, and the water represented their lives.  Note:  You want the penny out to the side.

As I put cup over the candle and let Science do its thing...I told the kids that as we flee from sin, we draw closer to God in the process.
  Now, the cool and life-changing part happens...

Flee from sin and pursue goodness. 2 Timothy 2:22